With us
At Vidalia Church of God, we believe each Christ-follower has been gifted by God with specific abilities they can use to serve the Kingdom of God and the local church. We want everyone to find a place to serve in ministry based on their talents and gifts.
We have ministry for your entire family!
Worship Team
Worship Ministry
The psalmist writes “Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious!”
God has designed everyone for the purpose of praising His name. As we exalt the name of Jesus, we hope to encourage others to join in doing the same.
Ladies Ministry
At Girlfriends in Christ, we BEFRIEND women and give them a place to BELONG so they will come to BELIEVE in Jesus and BECOME more like him.
Vicki Jay
Connect with us!
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Ministry Leader
Senior Adult Ministry
FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP for all who are enjoying the
Golden Years!
They meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the
Joe Q. Smith Hospitality Center at 6:30 pm.
Minnie Hattaway & Tim Wilson
Ministry Leaders
Life Groups-
Sunday's 9:30am
Life groups encourage fellowship, build community and provide discipleship; we have classes for everyone.
Sanctuary Class (adults, all ages)
Friendship Class (adults, all ages)
Connection (adults, all ages)
College/Career (young adults)
High School (9th-12th grade)
Young Teens (6th-8th grade)
Soul Squad (3rd- 5th grade)
Grace Gang (1st- 2nd grade)
Bible Buddies (3 years old- Kindergarden)
Toddlers/Nursery (3 years and under)