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United At The Cross


Spring is upon us! It is a glorious time of the year. Spring is the season of new life. We get to see leaves growing back and flowers blooming. It is also the time of year that we, the church, celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. During Passion Week (begins March 24, Palm Sunday), let us take the time to remember all that Jesus has done for us.

            On the night Jesus was arrested, He took the time to pray (John 17). It is not surprising that Jesus prayed. The astonishing thing is the subject of His prayer. He prayed for His disciples, and that includes us. Jesus prayed, “I do not ask on behalf of these (His disciples) alone but for those also who believe in me because of their word (John 17:20 NASB).” Did you hear that? Over two thousand years ago, Jesus prayed for us on His last night of freedom. That should be the encouragement that you need.

            The requests that Jesus made on our behalf are eye-opening. Jesus asked for two things. It is essential to point out that Jesus did not pray for us to be healthy, wealthy, and prosperous. He did not seek blessings on our behalf. Our Savior did not ask for us to be encouraged or lifted. He asked for us to be sanctified and unified! Jesus said, “Sanctify them in the truth, Your word is truth (John 17:17 NASB).” He did not desire for us to be removed from the world but for us to be set apart from the world. His word does precisely that. His word sets us apart only when we read, study, and live by it. The second request made by Jesus was for us to “all be one (John 17:21 NASB).” Jesus prayed for His people to be unified. The church is as divided today as the world is. Denominations separate us. We are divided by music and worship styles. We are divided by race, culture, age, gender, and even politics. We allow everything that the enemy can find to bring division in the body of Christ, and that is sad. If we are ever going to make a real difference in the world around us, we must become one, just like Jesus prayed.

            If God’s word sets us apart (John 17:17), how do we become unified? Regardless of our doctrinal differences and everything that divides us, there is a place that always brings us together. That place is the Cross of Calvary. When we return to the Cross, all those divisions cease to exist. At the Cross, we must let go of our prejudices, opinions, races, nationalities, cultures, political affiliations, and everything else that causes division in the body of Christ. At the Cross, there are no racial lines. At the Cross, there are no economic differences. At the Cross, we are “all one in Christ (Galatians 3:28 NASB).” It is at the foot of the Cross where we can indeed come together and stay unified. The Cross is where God demonstrates His love for us (Romans 5:8). The same love that fills our hearts (Romans 5:5) will hold us together (Colossians 3:14). Don’t allow anything or anyone to prevent you from coming to the Cross this Easter. We can make a difference when we unite at the Cross of Christ. Join me at the Cross this Easter with a heart of humility and repentance.


In Christ,

Pastor Josh May



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